Our WHY.
Dozens of incredible volunteers joined us at the farm two years ago to plant each of the 1,500 blueberry and 500 blackberry plants in the dirt by hand. Last year, dozens more worked alongside one another pulling weeds, working the soil, and pruning the plants.
Together, we've logged hours upon hours of back-breaking, dirt-under-the-fingernails, fulfilling, joy-filled work.
And the reason WHY?
We want to feed our children delicious, fresh foods without added chemicals.
We want to know how our food is grown.
We want to be a part of the food-to-table movement in our little corner of the globe.
But that's not all, in partnership with Help One Now, we will not only provide our Northwest Arkansas community with fresh, locally-grown food, but we will teach orphaned children across the globe how to do the same in their own community.
This little farm of ours is a special place, with soil prayed over and tended to by so many dedicated hands. We are absolutely honored to share it with you and your families.